all aboard!

When thinking of Sardinia, in particular Chia, imagine an earthly paradise: white sand dunes, a long sequence of beaches where you can enjoy the sun, crystal-clear waters in which you can be rocked by the gentle waves. We suggest an adventure on the Milmar, a 22 m wooden sailing boat; as you fly across the water under full sail you will realise that all you have heard about this land is true.

Start time is 10 am from the marina of Teulada. There you will find Captain Roberto, in whose company you will sail along the south-west coat, seeking out the hidden bays, accessible only from the sea, discovering some of the most beautiful beaches in the region.

There is plenty of time for bathing in the sheltered coves, then a hearty dish of pasta with seafood sauce based on the catch of the day. Between one stop and the other, time for a chat with the captain and his crew, interspersed with the cries of the gulls. Under full sail, Milmar will then take you on to discover Capo Teulada, with its imposing granite cliffs. On the way home, a quick look at Cala Zafferano and its transparent sea, passing once again by the bays and coves seen in the morning, but this time in the golden light of the afternoon. On your return, scheduled for 5 pm, you will have already started building memories from this exciting day.


from beach to beach

Three walks along the shore – three great small trips to discover the colours and fascination of a truly unique sea.


an afternoon in the saddle

A horseback tour along the coast to relive the past of a timeless island - what better way to appreciate Chia and its natural beauty.